입이트이는영어(입트영)_스크립트(script)_2019년 6월4일#Getting a New Phone

Getting a New Phone  휴대폰 개통
휴대폰을 고르게 이유에 대해 이야기해 주세요.
전화기를 사기 전에 미리 알아봤다. 조사를 하고 나서 무슨 기종을 살지 마음을 정했다. 손에 익은 모델이라 같은 제조사가 만든 전화기를 사기로 결정했다. 사진이 찍히고, 배터리도 오래가는 전화기를 원해서 고른 것도 있다. 색상과 디자인도 마음에 들었고, 지인들의 평이 좋아서 선택한 것도 있다.


Talk about the reasons you chose your new cell phone.
I did my homework before I got my new phone. I did some research and made up my mind which phone to buy. I decided to buy a phone from the same manufacturer because I was used to that model. I also wanted a phone that took good pictures. I wanted a battery that lasted longer, too. I liked the phone's color and design. I also chose it because my friends gave it good reviews.
Key Vocabulary
do one's homework  사전 준비를 하다
do some research  조사를 하다
make up one's mind  결정하다
same manufacturer  동일 제조사
be used to  ~ 적응되다, 익숙하다
take a good picture  사진이 찍히다
last longer  오래 지속되다
give something a good review  ~ 호평하다
Pattern Practice
1. do one's homework  사전 준비를 하다
I did my homework before I got my new phone.
It took a long time to do my homework before buying my car.
If you don't do your homework, you might pay too much.
2. make up one's mind  결정하다
I made up my mind which phone to buy.
I considered every option before making up my mind.
It always takes a long time for him to make up his mind at a restaurant.
3. give something a good review  ~ 호평하다
I also chose it because my friends gave it good reviews.
Most experts gave it a good review, but I didn't like it.
When she gives something a good review, I always trust her.


휴대폰을 설정하기 위해 것들을 이야기해 주세요.
작년에 전화기를 구입하면서 많은 것을 해야 했다. 일단 사용하던 전화기에서 모든 자료를 전화기로 옮겨야 했다.가장 먼저 연락처를 모두 전화기로 다운로드했다. 그다음에 사진들과 동영상들을 모두 옮겼다. 그리고 앱들을 재설치하고, 계정에 로그인했다. 휴대폰 잠금을 해제하는 비밀번호도 설정했다. 전화기를 전부 완전히 세팅하기까지 며칠이 걸렸다.
Talk about the things you did to set up your new phone.
I had my work cut out for me when I bought a new phone last year. For starters, I had to transfer all the data from my old phone to my new one. First, I downloaded all my contacts to my new phone. Then, I transferred all my pictures and videos. After that, I reinstalled all my apps and logged in to my accounts. I also set a password that would unlock the phone. All told, it took me a few days to fully set up my new phone.
Key Vocabulary & Expressions (test A)
have one's work cut out for one  일이 많다
for starters  일단, 우선
transfer data  데이터를 전송하다
download contacts  연락처를 다운로드받다
(re)install an app  앱을 ()설치하다
log in to  ~ 로그인하다
set a password  비밀번호를 설정하다
unlock a phone  휴대폰 잠금을 해제하다
all told  모두 합해서
set up (something)  설정하다, 준비하다
Pattern Practice
1. have one's work cut out for one  일이 많다
I had my work cut out for me when I bought a new phone last year.
I had my work cut out for me when I got back from vacation.
If you don't start now, you will have your work cut out for you tomorrow.
2. for starters  일단, 우선
For starters, I had to transfer all the data from my old phone to my new one.
I like camping because of the fresh air, for starters.
For starters, let's begin by introducing ourselves.
3. unlock a phone  휴대폰 잠금을 해제하다
I also set a password that would unlock the phone.
I need a password to unlock my phone.
I usually use my fingerprint to unlock my phone.
Expression of the Day
It's a big step up.
전보다 훨씬 좋아.
A : Have I shown you my new phone? Here, look. Isn't it great?
B : Wow, that does look nice. How is it compared to your old phone?
A : It's a big step up. But it took me a long time to set it up.
B : I'm sure it was worth it. Everyone I know says it takes great pictures.



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